Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Kalimantan Island

Borneo is an island located in the northern island of Java and in the West Sulawesi. Divided into areas of Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Often the whole island is called the Borneo region, while Indonesia called Kalimantan, Malaysia and the region called Sarawak and Sabah. In addition, there is also the sultanate Of Brunei. In the first period, the Borneo is the name used by colonial Britain and the Netherlands, while the island of kalimantan. the name used by residents of Indonesia. In the first language of Indonesia, Kalimantan, North is the designation for North Borneo (Sabah), but now in North Kalimantan. East Kalimantan is the north. So in the broad sense includes the entire island of Kalimantan, Borneo, while in the narrow sense only to the Kalimantan region of Indonesia.

Kalimantan Island is located in the northern island of Java, eastern Strait of Malacca, the western island of Sulawesi and the southern Philippines. Borneo island is a vast 743,330 km ². Kalimantan Island is surrounded by the South China Sea in the west and north-west, Sulu Sea in the north-east, the Sea of Sulawesi and the MakassarJava Sea and the Karimata Strait in the south. in the east and the

Mount Kinabalu (4095 m), which is located in Sabah, Malaysia is the location of the highest in Kalimantan.

River-longest river in Kalimantan is the Kapuas River (1143 km) in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, the Barito River (880 km) in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, the Mahakam River, (980 km) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, the Rajang River (562.5 km ) In Sarawak, Malaysia.

Natural resources

Kalimantan has a dense forest. However, he forest area is on the wane due to high cutting action. Kalimantan forest is a natural habitat for animals dumb robots, the Borneo elephant, rhinoceros Borneo and several endangered species.


In Kalimantan, there are some areas of Indonesia and Malaysia. Areas of Brunei, all located on the island.


Kalimantan region of Indonesia is divided into four provinces:

  • Central Kalimantan capital of Palangkaraya

  • East Kalimantan capital of Samarinda

  • South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin
  • West Kalimantan capital of Pontianak


Countries and the region of Malaysia, which is located in Kalimantan:

  • Sarawak
  • Sabah
  • The Federal Territory of Labuan (offshore Sabah)

Origins of the name :

  • First word of Borneo Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom was big and wide (including Sarawak and Sabah as part of Sabah is owned by Mindanao-Sulu sultanate. The traders Portuguese call Borneo and used by the people of Europe. But the natives call as Pulo Klemantan .
  • Second, according to Crowfurd DESCRIPTIVE in the Dictionary of the Indian Island (1856), said Kalimantan is the name of a kind mango so that island is the island of Kalimantan, mango, but he added that the word is an element of folklore and not popular.
  • Third, according to Dr. B. Ch. Chhabra in the journal MBRAS vol XV part 3 Microbiol 79 mentioned the nation customs Indian states of ancient place names according to the results of the earth as jewawut in sanksekerta yawa so that the island is called yawadwipa known as Java that is based on the analogy of the island with Sanskrit name Amra-Dwipa or mango island.
  • According to the Fourth of C. Hose and Mac Dougall mentioned that the word comes from 6 Kalimantan among local tribes, namely the Sea Dayak (Iban), Kayan, Kenya, Klemantan, Munut, and Punan. In history, Natural Man, a record from Borneo (1926), C Hose explained that Klemantan is the new name used by the Malays.
  • Fifth, according to WH Treacher in the British North Borneo in the journal MBRAS (1889), wild mango is not known in northern Borneo. Moreover never Borneo island, known as the mango produce even once from a Sago Island (the island Sago) because the word is the name of the original Lamantah sago raw.
  • Sixth, according to Prof.. Dr. Slamet Muljana in the book Sriwijaya (LKIS 2006), said Maryland is not the words but the words do the original loan as well as the word night, underwear, which came from India (night, which means mountain).

Early History

Kalimantan Island is in the middle of Southeast Asia because the island is to get more cultural and political influence from the surrounding islands. Around 400 years Kalimantan islands have entered the era history with the inscription found Yupa the heritage of the Kingdom of Kutai, but the progress of civilization is relatively slower than other islands because of geographical constraints and the small population.

Around the year 1362 Majapahit under the leadership Patih Gajah Mada to expand power to the island of Borneo, which states: Kapuas - Katingan, Shields, Ungga City, City Waringin, Sambas, Lawai, Kadandangan, lye, Samadang, Tirem, sob, Barune, Kalka , Saludung, Solot, Sand, Barito, Sawaku, TABALONG, Cape Kutei and Malano remain the most important islands in the Tanjungpura.

In the era of India-the Netherlands, known as Kalimantan, Borneo. This does not mean the name Kalimantan is not known. In letters Tamjidillah Prince of the Kingdom of Banjar in the years 1857 to the Resident Netherlands in Bhopal, he mentioned the island of Borneo, not the island of Borneo.. This shows that among the population, better known names from Kalimantan on Borneo name used in the administration of colonial Dutch East Indies. Name Kalimantan start again on the popular 1940.

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