Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

Geography and Climate East Kalimantan

1.Geography Position
East Kalimantan region with broad reach 211,440 km ² or one half-time Java and Madura island, is mostly land that is 20,039,500 Ha. (81,71%), while the sea is only 4,484,280 ha. (18,29%). Region that is famous as the woodshed has hundreds of rivers that are in almost all districts of the city and the Mahakam River.
Quoting the province which is the main gate of development in the eastern part of Indonesia are:
• North : State of Sabah (East Malaysia).
• East : The Makassar, Sulawesi Sea and the South.
• South : South Kalimantan.
• West : Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and the State of Serawak (East Malaysia).
East Kalimantan provincial capital of Samarinda is located at the Mahakam River. Samarinda be reached through land and air, although the need to transit in the city of Balikpapan, which is where International Airport Sepinggan. Then proceed with the flight schedule with Cassa 212 flights every day except Sundays, to Temindung airport.
2. Topography
East Kalimantan region dominated bumpy topography, from land to steep slope, with an altitude ranging between 0-1500 dpl meter slope with 60%.
3. Structure Geology
East Kalimantan province is dominated by rock and sediment liat berlempung there is also the womb rock and sediment deposition tertiary kwartener. Sediment rock formation consists of the main rock and sand stone kwarsa liat.
4. Characteristics of Climate
East Kalimantan province, including climate Tropika Humida with rainfall ranging between 1500-4500 mm per year. Minimum air temperatures average 21 ° C and a maximum of 34 ° C with the temperature difference between day and night of 5 ° -7 ° C. minimum temperatures generally occur in the month of October to January, while the maximum temperature occurred between July to August.
5. Air humidity
The humidity reaches an average of 86% with wind speeds average 5 knots perjam. Rainfall data for 5 years from the year 1994-1998 noted that the average rainfall reached 2060.2 mm per year.
6. Culture
Population in the province of Kalimantan Tmur approximately 2,456,945 inhabitants, with an average of 10 kilometers in the quarter, and with the level of high density perkortaan and concentrated in the coastal region. Culture that dominates in the East Kalimantan province is the three main pillar, cultural dayak native tribes living in the hinterland, cultural fishermen who live in the coastal region, and the kingdom of culture that still exist until now.

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